

Piazza Picnic #4

In an attempt to rethink the use of public urban spaces in Malta, we have created an event series called Piazza Picnics. The aim is to raise awareness about the potential of spaces close to where we live for recreational activities such as picnics and social gatherings.

This time we chose the Pinetum in Floriana for our picnic. The space is a green oasis which is under-utilised despite its natural green areas and beautiful pine trees. It can be accessed from different sides and changes its character completely during the different seasons. The best time for picnics is during winter and spring with long juicy grass and wild flowers blooming allover. With some minor upgrades such as toilet facilites, dustbins and general upkeep, the Pinetum could become an even better location for recreational use within one of the most densely populated areas of Malta.