

ReCreate: Nature-based Co-Creation in Senglea – Beauty in Diversity

Dawra Madwarna, together with Ecostack Innovations, MOVE and the Senglea Local Council has participated in a project under the name ReCreate (NatuRE-based Co-CREATion in SenglEa – Beauty in Diversity).

As the winning team for funds awarded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Community New European Bauhaus Initiative, the consortium built upon the work Dawra Madwarna had been carrying out in Senglea in 2022, towards the greening of urban spaces and placemaking overall.  Placemaking brings together initiatives to develop a community engagement program, to understand specific desires of community members, and to carry out community-led urban interventions.  Such objectives formed the basis of ReCreate, the focus of which was Misraħ Andrea Debono in Senglea, and the residents who upkeep this space.  A well-received activity was the Suggestion Tree, which was built from recyclable materials by members of the Senglea Community Gardens, and used by people to hang written notes placed in pouches created by the local crochet group.  The suggestions gathered inspired an exhibition of images featuring projects which residents could vote for.  Urban gardening featured strongly in the projects residents voted for most, as did the want for colourful spaces and community artwork.  To follow up on these suggestions, activities such as painting of benches and plant-pots, mosaic decoration, a gardening workshop, and street games were organised in Misraħ Andrea Debono, to showcase what can be done when placemaking is embraced by a community.

Building upon the success of these initiatives, Dawra Madwarna shall continue to assess which placemaking characteristics are best suited to Malta – learning by doing – and creating better places as we do so!

This is a short movie which gives a great impression about the activities that took place in this project. The movie was done by Lorraine and Leanne Lewis as part of Factuals for Future.