Guidelines on Parking Management
This document is one in a series of documents on Sustainable Mobility being published by the Local Councils’ Association. The ultimate objective is to progressively reduce car dependence and move towards healthier, safer and more liveable societies wherein active mobility and/or shared mobility may be the primary mode of transport. A number of measures may be implemented, both to actively reduce the number of vehicles on the road and the need for on- or off-street parking requirements. This document discusses various strategies and measures which could be employed in terms of parking management as a means to addressing car dependency. At the same time, even though this objective is clear, a large proportion of the Maltese population currently relies on private vehicles for everyday needs and activities. Consequently, the parking issue is a reality that cannot be ignored but that must be addressed. This document therefore aims to further understand parking issues and proposes strategies, in the form of steps, that could lead to potential solutions in the short-, medium- and long-term.
Download the document here.
Image Source: Local Councils´ Association